Monday, January 30, 2012

Our Open Day =D

Bismillah and Assalamualaikum peeps !

Jussstt a shortttt post regarding CFS IIUM open day this 30th Jan - 5 Feb 2012 and 10 - 12 Feb 2012. Hehe nak promote.



Here're practically the details of the open day:


Mini Competition - 31 Jan
Star Gazing - 1 Feb ( 8.30 - 12 am)
Pre Preview Kuasa Kami - 2 Feb
Revolusi Syabab - 4 Feb
Cultural Night - 4 Feb
Friendship Day - 5 Feb


Islamic Charity Concert - 31 Jan


Theme Park - 3-5 Feb
Paintball Competition - 4 Feb
Yaumul Usrah - 4 Feb


Blood Donation - 30 - 31 Jan
Journey To The 5 World - 31 Jan - 1 Feb
Other Exhibitions 30 Jan - 2 Feb


When The Heart Whispers - 1 Feb


Palestine and You - 30 Jan
Remaja - 2 Feb
None of My Business - 3 Feb
Kuasa Karektor - 4 Feb


Really hope to meet all of my friends from other universities, matriculation centres, foundation studies 
to gather and meet up here =D 

jom jom ~~

Saturday, January 28, 2012

# 8

- Taken from Yuyu Zulaikha's facebook wall

# 7

"Allah answers all prayers in 3 ways,

"Yes"= because you deserve it,

"No" = because you deserve better and

"Not yet" = because the best is yet to come"

- Nur Zahirah, as posted in Mujahidah wall group.

Facebook Wall yang DAEBAK ! #1

Copy pasted from DannyZK;


۞ Surah Al-Fatihah dapat memadam kemurkaan Allah SWT.

۞ Surah Yasin dapat menghilangkan rasa dahaga atau kehausan pada hari Kiamat.

۞ Surah Dukhan dapat membantu kita ketika menghadapi ujian Allah SWT pada hari kiamat.

۞ Surah Al-Waqi’ah dapat melindungi kita daripada ditimpa kesusahan atau fakir.

۞ Surah Al-Mulk dapat meringankan azab di dalam kubur.

۞ Surah Al-Kauthar dapat meleraikan segala perbalahan.

۞ Surah Al-Kafirun dapat menghalang kita daripada menjadi kafir ketika menghadapi kematian.

۞ Surah Al-Ikhlas dapat melindungi kita daripada menjadi golongan munafiq.

۞ Surah Al-Falq dapat menghapuskan perasaan hasad dengki.

۞ Surah An-Nas dapat melindungi kita daripada ditimpa penyakit was-was.

Riwayat Abu Hurairah radhiallahuanhu katanya: 

"Kekasihku Rasullullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi Wasallam telah berwasiat kepadaku tiga perkara, 

aku tidak meninggalkannya, iaitu ; supaya aku tidak tidur melainkan setelah mengerjakan witir

dan supaya aku tidak meninggalkan dua rakaat sembahyang Dhuha kerana ia adalah sunat awwabin, 

dan berpuasa tiga hari daripada tiap-tiap bulan” 

(Hadis riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)



"Tak elok bercakap hal dunia dalam rumah Allah. Kurang pahala nanti…"

"Tak payah lah bercakap hal agama dalam pejabat. Dalam masjid dah lah..."

✿Adakah SEKADAR di masjid dan surau? Islam kita di mana?

"Nak solat kenalah tutup aurat. Nanti tak sah."

"Panaslah nak tutup aurat kat luar ni. Malaysia ok, so hot and spicy!"

✿ Adakah ketika IBADAH KHUSUS sahaja? Islam kita di mana?

"Nak exam kenalah jaga solat, banyakkan berdoa, stop sekejap dating."
"Alah... Exam lambat lagi. Nanti-nantilah study, solat lambat pun takpe."

✿ Adakah ikut MUSIM? Hamba Allah atau hamba exam? Islam kita di mana?

"Masa akad nikah I nak pakai tudung. Lagipun akad nikah dalam masjidkan.."
"Untuk sanding, I nak baju design berbelah sini sikit, sini sikit. Sekali seumur hidupkan..."

✿  Adakah hanya ketika LAFAZ SAKINAH? Islam kita di mana?

Ambil yang kita suka, guna hanya di mana kita nak?
Atau mungkin Islam kita hanya dalam KAD PENGENALAN?

> Kita ibarat menganak-tirikan agama.
Bukankah Allah telah MENGINGATKAN kita dalam firmanNya yang bermaksud:

"Wahai orang-orang yang BERIMAN, MASUKLAH kamu ke dalam Islam KESELURUHAN, dan 

JANGANLAH kamu turuti langkah-langkah syaitan. 

Sesungguhnya syaitan itu MUSUH yang NYATA bagimu." 

(Surah Al-Baqarah : 208)

(4)  ~Ketika kita mengeluh : “ Ah, tak mungkin kot... ”.
اَللّهُ menjawab : “ Jika Aku menghendaki, cukup Ku berkata “Jadi”, maka jadilah " (QS 36 : 82).

~Ketika kita mengeluh : “ Beratnya dugaan ni, x sanggup aku ... ”.
اَللّه menjawab : “ AKU tidak membebani seseorang, melainkan sesuai kesanggupan ” (QS 2 : 286).

~Ketika kita mengeluh : “ serabutnyaa ... ”.
اَللّهُ menjawab : “ Hanya dengan mengingatku hati akan menjadi tenang ” (QS 13 : 28).

~Ketika kita mengeluh : “ aku sedihh sangat... ”.
اَللّهُ menjawab : “
La Tahzan, Innallaha Ma’ana. Janganlah kamu berduka cita, sesungguhnya Allah bersama dengan kita " (QS 9 : 40).

>>>Segala masalah kita, persoalan kita, sudah terjawab oleh ALLAH, semoga Allah kuatkan hatimu dan hatiku.... dan kuatkanlah hatimu kerana Allah.

# 6

"Muslimah sejati bukan dilihat dari keberaniannya dalam berpakaian hebat, 

tetapi dilihat dari sejauh mana dia berani mempertahankan kehormatannya 

melalui apa yang dipakainya. "

- DannyZK, as posted in his facebook.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Words of Endearment 2

Bismillah Assalamualaikum peeps ! =D Just a quick post.

I would love to share these wonderful wishes - prayers- that my three, good friends had sent me on my birthday. A best friend from SMAKL, a good friend from UIA, and another good friend from SB . Jazakallahu khairan katheeran, syukran jazeelan. Barakallahu fikum =')

To my beloved readers, this will only take you at most 5 minutes to fully absorb every words. Please do spare little minutes on these remarkable words that insha Allah will enlighten our lives.What I meant by "absorbing every words" and "it will enlighten our lives" is that the words are very useful for us, just consider these as our spiritual foods; the prayers, the goal that we should aim, and the poem by Imam Ash - Shafi'ee ~

" Raihana, 
May Allah
Increase your Iman,
Grant you Ihsan,
Restore your Sobr,
Delight you in Dzikr,
Bless you with Taqwa,
Accept your Tawbah,
and Honour you with Jannah.

Semoga dengan bertambahnya umur, siring dengan bertambahnya amal, ibadah, thaqafah, pengorbanan, dan mujahadah. Moga dirimu sentiasa berada dalam rahmat dan tarbiyah Allah. Happy Birthday ! ( : Bila Allah beri kitaumur panjang, itu tanda Allah sayang, kerana jelas Allah masih memberikan peluang. Maka Raihana gunakanlah, jangan kufur, sungguh Allah hanya cinta kepada hambaNya yang bersyukur.

Semoga diredhai Allah, umur diberkatiNya, dan hidup kekal dalam keimanan kepadaNya. 

p.s. pesanan untuk diri sendiri juga. Barakallahu Fik. Uhibbuki lillah <3 "

- Insyirah 

" Dirimu terhias sebagai sebaik baik ciptaan, maka jadikanlah dirimu nisa' yang boleh menjadi mujahidah,
jihad di jalan Allah, jadikanlah dirimu atra fatayat yang dijulang, canting dipandang tetapi susah untuk dipegang, jadikanlah dirimu gadis manis yang tak pernah kalah dengan redup panahan mata adam, biar nafsumu hidup dalam tarbiyyah da'wah bertintakan darah dan air mata perjuangan, dititip atas warkah penuh kemuliaan dan dikirimkan untuk mujahadah menuju Tuhan ( : Sanah Helwah ukhti Raihana Nadhira. Semoga sentiasa dibawah naungan perlindungan Allah ^ ^ "

- Min

"Salam Rai. 

I could well be the last person to wish u today, but I hope I'm not. 

Then again, maybe I shouldn't wish u at all. They say why wish when u can pray right? So consider this my
birthday prayer to u instead.

May success follow you in this life, and in the Hereafter.

And may you have the strength and perseverance to seek knowledge in order that it may benefit you, and in 

turn, lead to you benefiting the ummah, insya allah.

Oh yeah, thought I'd share with u a poem by Imam Syafie. Most beneficial insya allah.

Let days go forth and do as they please

And remain firm when settled is Allah's Decree

Don’t be afraid of what happens by night

For the affairs of this world are not to last

And be a man(or in your case, woman ;)), strong in the face of calamities

And let your nature be that of kindness and honesty

If your faults become too much in front of the people

And you wish that they were to be concealed,

Then know that kindness covers all faults

And how many faults are kept hidden by kindness!

No sadness lasts forever, nor any happiness

And you shall not remain in poverty, or any luxury

Generosity cannot be hoped from the miserly

For no water exists in the Fire for the thirsty

Your provision will not be decreased due to life’s delays

And it cannot be increased due to your haste

If, in your heart, you possess contentment

Then you and those who possess the world are equal

And for him upon whose horizon death descends,

No earth can offer him protection, nor any sky

Indeed, the earth of Allah is certainly vast

But if decree descends, then the world constricts

Let days be the ones that betray you at all times

For no cure can avail a person of death

I would like to thank all of my friends for the wonderful wishes. I am sorry for any of my wrong doings. I know that I could be a lousy friends at times, by hurting all of your feelings, by making all of you sad. I'm sorry for all of the mistakes I'd done. I hope all of you my dear friends, could forgive me. May Allah bless all of you <3

Also especially to Aimisya, Jannah, Husna, Kyra, Qila, Tera, Alia, Nab, Waniey, Wanimer, Pah, Artika, Fara, Marinah, Amal, Faezah

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Talk With Them


Assalamualaikum peeps! =D Another short post and this time it's about learning sign languages ! yepp. SIGN LANGUAGE. Why? Because not all of us know how to communicate with the mute and deaf besides it's easier for us to be friends with them and learn with them, involve with them and know about their experiences. I've never had any experience with them but I would love to be friends with these special people. For me, those who haven't got the chances to listen and see, they're very special and worth to be looked up to. They're brave for they live their lives without two most important organs and they have special senses.

Most important of all is that we will be more grateful to Allah for giving us the chances of sight and hearing. While we have those opportunities, shouldn't we take care of our eyes and ears good? It's not just about eating carrots and  don't listen to music using earphones with powerful volumes, but it's also about taking care of our eyes and ears from watching and listening to whatever that is not permissible in Islam. Hok ni tak perlu ngoyak panjang lebar naa? Masing masing pehe doh . Just think that before we are about to do sins, Allah is there, watching us. And wa na'uzhubillah , anything can happen after we do wrong. Tiba tiba Allah tarik nikmat melihat dan mendengar macam mana? Ini juga teguran buat diri saya sendiri. So let's pray always so that Allah strengthen our Iman and place the sense of deepest fear of Allah's torment in our hearts.

So what are you waiting for? At least learn the alphabet and number sign language =D

Interested in taking courses ? Click here :

I'll be going back to campus tonight huhu. Cuti CNY tak banyak loh! 'Till then. Salam ^ ^

Go Ma Sseum Ni Daa !

Assalamualaikum peeps!
thank you terima kasih xie xie arigato kumawo syukran jazeelan merci beacoup

for the beautiful wishes,
for the wonderful prayers,
for the pretty greeting cards,
for the funny but meaningful tweets and text messages !


May Allah bless all of you too!
Doakan raihana 
dapat panjang umur,
murah rezeki,
disihatkan tubuh badan,
ditajamkan akal fikiran,
mempunyai jati diri yang kuat,
mempunyai iman yang mantap,
mempunyai semangat jati diri muslim yang senantiasa kukuh !
Semua ini demi Islam.
Demi melaksanakan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang pemimpin.
Demi melaksanakan sepenuh ketaatan kepadaNya.

"Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada Malaikat; “Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di bumi”. Mereka bertanya (tentang hikmat ketetapan Tuhan itu dengan berkata): “Adakah Engkau (Ya Tuhan kami) hendak menjadikan di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat bencana dan menumpahkan darah (berbunuh-bunuhan), padahal kami sentiasa bertasbih dengan memujiMu dan mensucikanMu?”. Tuhan berfirman: “Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui akan apa yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya”. Al-Baqarah ayat 30

"Dan (ingatlah) Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan untuk mereka menyembah dan beribadat kepadaKu."  Adz-Dzariyaat ayat 56

Insha Allah I'll always pray for my brothers and sisters in Islam.
May Allah lead us all on the right path.
Forever and always.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Old Song (1999) #worthtolisten

Old Song (2005) #worthtolisten

Old Song (2011) #worthtolisten


Take A Break


A short post of meaningful quotes I took from the book, Ingatlah Tempatmu di Akhirat, author Tuan Guru, for all of us to think and for self improvement insha Allah.

"Ada enam perkara yang manusia perlu percaya atau beriman;
 yang dipanggil rukun iman. Akan tetapi harus diingat bahawa rukun tersebut, 
tidak cukup sekadar faham, malah hendaklah sampai ke peringkat percaya.
Bagaimana untuk mengetahui sama ada seseorang itu percaya atau tidak ialah
dengan melihat kepada segala perbuatan dan amalan mereka.
Kaki, tangan, mulut, lidah dan seluruh anggota pancainderanya 
akan menzahirkan keimanan itu"
-pg 73-74

"Sesungguhnya tidak ada sebab untuk manusia 'makan gaji' dengan syaitan
kerana syaitan bukanlah pencipta manusia
Syaitan tidak mencipta bumi tempat manusia berpijak, 
tidak mencipta langit tempat manusia menjunjung, 
tidak mencipta udara untuk manusia bernafas,
bahkan tidak mencipta apapun.
 Bahkan syaitan itu sendiri dicipta oleh Allah s.w.t
sebagaimana manusia yang dicipta olehNya."
-pg 80 - 81

"Niat menjadi asas untuk menentukan sama ada perbuatan itu akan diterima atau ditolak
oleh Allah s.w.t. Walaupun ia perbuatan yang pada zahirnya adalah baik, 
tetapi andai niatnya bukan ilhlas lillahitaala, maka ia tetap sia-sia di sisi Allah s.w.t. 
Ia tidak akan memberikan manfaat sedikitpun kepada mereka yang melakukannya."
-pg 42-43

Kasih Allah s.w.t., Sayang Hamba

(Hud : 9) "Dan jika kami berikan kepada manusia suatu rahmat (nikmat)
daripada kami, kemudian rahmat itu kami cabut daripadanya,
pastilah dia menjadi putus asa lagi tidak berterima kasih"

(Al - A'raf : 157) "Dihalalkan kepada mereka perkara yang baik,
dan diharamkan kepada mereka perkara yang buruk."

(Ibrahim : 7) "Sekiranya kamu bersyukur, pasti akan aku tambahkan kepada kamu.
Sekiranya kamu kufur, sesungguhnya azabku memang hebat (pedih)"

"Kalau kita bertuhankan benda yang lain, itu menandakan kita tidak faham apa itu Tuhan
dan tidak mengetahui untuk apa benda itu mereka jadikan sebagai Tuhan."
-pg 104

Sunday, January 22, 2012



Bulatan Gembira by Krunchieroll

Credits to and Angel Wear Gucci.

No copyright infringement intended. I just want to tell some part of the world who haven't seen the beauty of BULATAN GEMBIRA =) I hope you don't mind. Insha Allah I'll tell about mine to the world too. It's just a matter of time.

To krunchieroll : 난 당신이 나쁘게 생각하지 않았 으면 해.  세계의 이익 정보를 공유하고 있어요. 당신에게 감사합니다

# 5

" Don't approach me.
Approach my WALI."

-Aimisya, my BF <3
as posted in

# 4

"Jangan kita berharap kita akan dapat lelaki yang baik.
Kita sendiri kena berubah menjadi baik dan lebih baik."

-Murabbi Kak Intan

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Bismillah and assalamualaikum peeps =)

Soo yeah it's been weeks since I updated my blog. And lots and lots of things occurred within the weeks.

Firstly my subjects for this current semester are quite tough. I don't know about my fellow group mates but as for me, I need to study more and reopen my old notes and old books (old lah sangat. sem 1 punya nota kira tahun lepas la kan? so kira lama la heehee) I'm taking three core subjects and one university requirement subject which are Introduction to Legal Skills - it requires us to do public speaking (which I don't have that much guts to speak in front of strangers), Introduction to Legal System - we just learned the first two sub topics. And it's about Justinian Code. Basically the outcomes would be focused on laws of our country and some other countries. Arabic Level 3 - eeps eeps I thank Allah that our ustazah is daebak =D she never fails to motivate us and give us the semangat to not be takut takut especially to be exempted. What I need is simply practice practice every day. Ustazah kata at tolibah mujtahidah salmurojaah al lughatul 'arabiyah kulli yaumin. la ba'sa. wahid aayah faqat toyyib jiddan. (heehee pehe dok?) and lastly Religions in Malaysia - yepp we learn about religions in our country mainly Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and other ideologies.

My next babble would be about my friends and I went for a fast train in PD last January the 13th until the 15th at PDS Training Camp. Err saya telah terpilih untuk jadi faci. ehem ehem. ye facilitaTOR. Gembira? Banyak tanggungjawab okay! How can I be gembira? It's like a burden been placed on top of my shoulders besides other burdens I've been carrying around. I don't know what you guys might think about this especially those who know me. I know, I'm not good enough. Ye saya bukanlah bekas DQ or budak tahfiz. Tapi saya akan cuba yang terbaik. My first intention when I got this responsibility was that, "this is it Rai. The main key for you to change to become better you". It really works you know. I've seen people who change and become much better person after he got a responsibility to handle. Apa kena mengena pulak jadi faci jadi lebih baik? Sebaaaaaaab, kita akan didedahkan dengan lebih banyak ilmu agama, kita dapat pergi talaqi lebih kerap, kita dapat kawan kawan yang solehah, dapat dekat dengan ustazah yang sentiasa beri nasihat dan dorongan et cetera banyak kelebihan. What I know is that I felt very very little beside those who are much much better than me in terms of their attitude, their ibadah, their memorization of the quran. But then I know, these will be my inspirations. Insha Allah I'll try my best slow slow (slang oghe melayu kito).

May Allah help me always. May Allah lead me always. I hope for the best in what I get everyday. Everything has nikmah within them.

Okay people got to go lah. Masak lunch. (haha bunyi macam pro. telur dadar je. sayur dah habis. and nak cepat isikan perut yang dah berkeroncong ni)

Happy Chinese New Year to my chinese friends! =) (err do you guys even read my blog?)

Ahlan Wasahlan

Page 22 of 366.
"A new blog"

(?) serioooousssslyyyy?!

No lah.
Just, enough of sad stories.

My apologies for not updating my blog. 
My apologies for leaving it uninteresting unlike before. 
(peraaasan gila. interesting sangat ke your blog sebelum ni?

You guys still welcome me? Hope so. 
Please, pweety please. 
Can you guys still be my faithful readers?

Salam =D

Sunday, January 8, 2012




I'm not sure what I'm going to write exactly but I'm going to let my fingers dancing on the keyboard so that they could type sentences for a paragraph or two. Or maybe more. I just want to express my feelings and pour my heart out on the most important matter that occurs right now.

I know that the phrase "I'm a human being and human beings make mistakes" have been widely used on almost all events that relates to mistakes and sins and most people considered this phrase as no-use anymore because although some people admits their mistakes they still keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. But I'm going to repeat the phrase and I'm working to become a better me. I am a human being and human beings are never right all the time. They make mistakes. Sometimes I wished for a time machine so that I could go back over time and fix the broken things I'd caused and make things as good as new but that won't happen! And I know that the word "if" is a bad word. He doesn't like those who regrets over past incidents. He wants us to repent and become better. But sometimes, mistakes or sins, are not just between me and Him, but between me and people around me. I know that for my mistakes to disappear completely is by apologising to people whom I've hurt. I'm sorry. I know that I should've think before I act. You don't know how terrible I felt. You don't know how sorry I was to torn your heart. I'm sorry Anna Julianna, I'm sorry.

I really hope that we could figure this out. This incident, mesti ada hikmah disebaliknya. I sought His help to help us overcome this problem. I sought His mercy to bless us all.

Anna Julianna, will you accept my apologies?

Dear Anna Julianna

I'm so sorry for what I did.
I'm so sorry for hurting you.
I'm so sorry for letting your heart breaks into pieces.

I know I don't deserve your friendship.
I just hope that you could accept me as a good person after this.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Words of Endearment


Assalamualaikum peeps! I know I know it's been like AGES since I posted an entry and I'm soo sorry.I have my own personal reasons that I don't want to disclose :P haha whatevermuch?Ohyeah. So anyway I've tweeted about this entry that I've promised to share with all of you and I know I tweeted that like ages ago. Again, mianhamnidaaa D: This, my dear fellow citizen, are words of endearment that I received from Insyirah, one of my bestest friend via text message. Insyirah, pray for me always. I'm trying as hard as I could to keep my own promises that I'm not sure myself whether you're aware of it or not, but I think my fellow faithful blog readers probably know what's the promises. I posted an entry/entries about that last year (oh my oh my it's 2012 already? masha Allah look how time flies! :O )

I just want to share this with all of you girls. I know to some of you, it's hard to believe or hard to do, but sometimes, what's best for you is not what you've been doing all this while. Sometimes, you must learn that changing to become a better person is the best decision. I know all of us have loadssss of reasonssss, loads of reasons to avoid this but we must know what is right is right, and wrong is wrong. It's clearly written and Allah knows best for all of us. This is nothing but His orders. Let's try do it slowly and properly.

" Subhnallah, seorang wanita solehah itu tunduk sopan, tidak lunak dalam berbicara selain buat suami tercinta, segan berkongsi cerita kecuali yang halal baginya, kerana percayalah bagaimana kamu menjaga dirimu, dengan ikhwan (lelaki) sekarang, begitulah suamimu menjaga dirinya daripada akhawat juga. Jangan biarkan syaitan menjadikan indah persahabatan dengan lelaki ajnabidi matamu. Ayuh perbaiki diri di samping selalu ingat meningati. Kerana "mulianya wanita itu terletak pada ketinggian akhlak dan keteguhan maruahnya" bersama kita mengislah diri agar hidup diberkati" Ameen

Thank you dear for love me so much. I don't mind more of your words of endearment.
May Allah bless us all and lead us the right path.

Salam 2012.

# 3

"It's hard to keep promises they say,
and I wouldn't deny it.
Because for me, it's HARDER TO KEEP MY OWN PROMISES.
Promises that I made for myself."