Sunday, November 13, 2011


My dear Rai,
just in case you've forgotten,
just in case you didn't notice the time,
just in case you didn't perasan hari hari berlalu pergi,
I'm now doing my responsibility,
to remind you.
To jerit sekuat hati kat kau RAII!!!

You're eighteen babe.
Yes, muda lagi.
Tapi you ni student babe.
Focus la sket.
Study tu bukan sebab nak dapat good result je,
bukan nak saje saje,
niat tu biar betul,
because of Allah.
You work hard to become His best caliph,
untuk menjadi penolong agamaNya.
Sudah menjadi asbab kecemerlangan tu sebagai bukti kita ni berada di puncak.
What's with the lazy bump?
Sabar Rai, sabar.
Ketepikan segala godaan nafsu tu.
Yes I know babe, I understand.
KDramas, Twitter, FB, KPops, HBO, AXN,
aigoo babe,
all that won't help you to achieve your dreams!
Tak guna bercita cita tinggi melangit,
tapi itu semua hanya dalam mimpi.
Why can't you work darn hard to achieve your dreams?
Impian tidak akan jadi kenyataan kalau kau asyik buang masa je!
Tengok keliling kau Rai.
Ramai lagi yang tak bernasib baik macam kau.
Although you're not rich,
you still eat good foods every day,
you still sleep in an air conditioned room every night,
you still live under a good roof,
you still have your parents,
you still have the chance to study in a University,
you still have the chance to become successful.
Ramai lagi yang kurang bernasib baik daripada kau boleh cemerlang gemilang terbilang.
Kenapa kau tak boleh?
Kau sama je macam mereka.
Manusia juga.
Cuma kena pandai membezakan kemahuan dan keperluan.
Sometimes our kemahuan could simply throw us in a pool of dumps.

Remember Rai, responsibilites.
Your responsibilty as a daughter.
As a big sister.
As a student.
As a future wife.
As a future mummy.
As a caliph.
Banyak tanggungjawab kau Rai.
Belajar sungguh sungguh,
gapai cita cita.

Enough Rai,
enough to all of your day dreams.
Habluminallah, habluminannas.
Always remember too, the knowledge is light.
If you sinned yourself and dirtied your heart,
no light could enter it.
Clean your heart everyday,
polish it until you can hear the 'squeak' o clean.
Read your quran everyday.
Don't let ma'thurat fall into comma everyday.
Be patient while you're struggling on His path.
Talk to Him every single time.
He is the Best Listener.

Take your friends, your cousins as examples.
Your parents!
How'd they become so successful.
Recently you've heard about the success of your cousin.
Being a Sime Darby scholar is not enough.
You know that she'll get the chance to study overseas.
She'd succeed in her recent exams.
And currently, you got the news that she'll be sitting for the Oxbridge exams.
If she pass the tests, she'll get to enroll to Oxford University or Cambridge.
You know how astonished you were.
Oh, and to my dear cousin, CONGRATS!
I'm so proud of you.
Pray for me always.

One thing that you knew about your cousin is that,
she never stops working hard.
So why shouldn't you ?