Thursday, November 15, 2012

Muharram 1434 H & Resolutions


Assalamualaikum wbt to my dear brothers and sisters ! :D

Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal wa ni'mah, today we get to be part of one of the most momentous days in the Hijrah calendar, Islam's New Year's Day, Awal Muharram 1434 H. As a muslim, who want to become a better self, way better than last year, way better than the previous years, as a muslim who want to change for a way better muslim, WE should prepare ourselves, a list full of new resolutions, only this time the resolutions should be different than our previous resolutions (that some of them are probably were forgotten or left aside). Of course every new year some of the list of azam would till be the same as previous azam, i.e to become a better daughter, a better muslim, a more solihah muslim et cetera. But the difference, that I mentioned here is that insha Allah, with new spirit and motivations as well as inspirations from whatever events that occured before, in our lives, which of course that could bring us closer to Allah SWT, the difference is that insha Allah, this year's resolutions, SHOULD be conformed to and not being left aside or forgotten.
Kadang-kadang, semangat kita tu datang sekejap je, somehow it won't linger with us long enough like we expected it would be. Sebab, syaitan-syaitan tidak akan pernah berhenti daripada 'berusaha' segigih yang 'mereka' boleh untuk melalaikan kita, menyesatkan umat manusia. The devils won't stop doing their jobs until the Day of the Doom, and WE should also must not stop doing our jobs, to struggle, to become a better MUSLIM each and every day. I'm not saying this as if I'm oh-all-good-already, the words that I'm typing is pretty much especially for me, who gets easily terlalai terleka with the world around me. So what sort of struggles should we do? Not to mention we are proclaiming war to the devils each and every day, we need swords, shields, and the armour. Look around us, and you could see we have the defence with us all along. We have the Holy Quran, we have the Hadeeth, we have our agama books that would always, always accompany us, to tarbiyah ourselves, to mould ourselves in becoming much much better muslims, to create a fardh muslim (a muslim self, on the whole) so that when lots of fardh muslims are created, baitul muslim (a family of true muslims, on the whole) would be formed from the combination of two fardh muslims of male and female. And when a baitul muslim could be achieved, a mujtama' al muslim would be created, a community of true muslims, who knows their aim of life, a community made up from children born from a baitul muslim. The parents will teach their children to become a true servant of Allah, teach them Islam, in total, teach them Allah had created us to become His servants and a caliph in this world, to preach about Islam, to tell the world Islam is the truth, the only religion that all homo- sapiens should conform to. After that, Daulah Islamiyyah could be formed together with Khilafah Islam, an Islamic country. Let's pray, so that this new year, we are blessed with His Lights, that would bring us closer to Allah, despite the trials and tribulations that we are facing or about to face, we shouldn't be in depression, but we are more stronger than ever because we hold fast to the rope of Allah SWT.
I found an article from a blog, on amalan-amalan pada bulan Muharram, so here goes the details :D
Antara amalan disunatkan pada bulan Muharam:
  • Berpuasa.
- Maksud Hadis: Barang siapa berpuasa satu hari dalam bulan Muharam pahalanya seumpama berpuasa 30 tahun.
- Maksud Hadis: Barang siapa yang berpuasa tiga hari dalam bulan Muharam, iaitu hari Khamis, Jumaat dan Sabtu, Allah tulis padanya pahala seperti mana beribadat selama 2 tahun.
  • Banyakkan amal ibadat seperti solat sunat, zikir dan sebagainya.
  • Berdoa akhir tahun pada hari terakhir bulan Zulhijah selepas Asar sebanyak 3 kali
  • Berdoa awal tahun pada 1 Muharram selepas Maghrib 3 kali
Empat belas perkara sunat dilakukan pada hari Asyura (10 Muharram):
  • Melapangkan masa/belanja anak isteri. Fadilatnya - Allah akan melapangkan hidupnya pada tahun ini.
  • Memuliakan fakir miskin. Fadilatnya - Allah akan melapangkannya dalam kubur nanti.
  • Menahan marah. Fadilatnya - Di akhirat nanti Allah akan memasukkannya ke dalam golongan yang redha.
  • Menunjukkan orang sesat. Fadilatnya - Allah akan memenuhkan cahaya iman dalam hatinya.
  • Menyapu/mengusap kepala anak yatim. Fadilatnya - Allah akan mengurniakan sepohon pokok di syurga bagi tiap-tiap rambut yang disapunya.
  • Bersedekah. Fadilatnya - Allah akan menjauhkannya daripada neraka sekadar jauh seekor gagak terbang tak berhenti-henti dari kecil sehingga ia mati. Diberi pahala seperti bersedekah kepada semua fakir miskin di dunia ini.
  • Memelihara kehormatan diri. Fadilatnya - Allah akan mengurniakan hidupnya sentiasa diterangi cahaya keimanan.
  • Mandi Sunat. Fadilatnya - Tidak sakit (sakit berat) pada tahun itu. Lafaz niat: "Sahaja aku mandi sunat hari Asyura kerana Allah Taala."
  • Bercelak. Fadilatnya - Tidak akan sakit mata pada tahun itu.
  • Membaca Qulhuwallah hingga akhir 1,000 kali. Fadilatnya - Allah akan memandanginya dengan pandangan rahmah di akhirat nanti.
  • Sembahyang sunat empat rakaat. Fadilatnya - Allah akan mengampunkan dosanya walau telah berlarutan selama 50 tahun melakukannya. Lafaz niat: "Sahaja aku sembahyang sunat hari Asyura empat rakaat kerana Allah Taala." Pada rakaat pertama dan kedua selepas Fatihah dibaca Qulhuwallah 11 kali.
  • Menjamu orang berbuka puasa. Fadhilat - Diberi pahala seperti memberi sekalian orang Islam berbuka puasa.
  • Puasa. Niat - "Sahaja aku berpuasa esok hari sunat hari Asyura kerana Allah Taala." Fadilat - Diberi pahala seribu kali Haji, seribu kali umrah dan seribu kali syahid dan diharamkannya daripada neraka.
Subhanallah :'D Alhamdulillah, as muslims, we've got these chances to become a better one, and we've got these opportunities to grab to increase our iman to Allah, and become much much better muslims . So, LET'S PUT A REMINDER SO THAT WE WON'T MISS THE BLESSINGS IN THE DAY OF ASYURA ! :D
Insha Allah, here are my resolutions for the new year 1434 H. Please pray for me guys, I'm very, very vulnerable to mistakes and wrong doings.
1) Work hard to become a better Muslimah.
- A solihah girl with a big heart, a strong personality, despite the challenges that I'm facing and I'll face in the future as a young adult of 20 years old (24th Jan). I should prepare myself by reading lots and lots of agama books during leisure time. Have yet to finish reading Mazha Yakni by Fathi Yakan, have yet to buy and read Fiqh Al- Awlawiyat by Dr Yusuf Al Qardhawi, have yet to finish reading Pemuda Islam yang Dijanjikan by the same author, have yet to finish reading Cinta High Class by Sis Fatimah Syarha and her husband Dr Farhan Hadi. All these are for my own good, to tarbiyah myself, to mould myself and become a better muslim. Insha Allah
- Kena paksa diri untuk rajin berqiyamullail. My dad always advise me; "sementara umur masih muda ni, waktu ni lah kita gunakan untuk banyak beribadah kepada Allah, bila meningkat dewasa nanti, susah nak cari masa, and cabaran itu lagi hebat. Sekurang kurangnya kita persiapkan diri kita, bila dah tua, terbiasa dengan qiyamullail." "Kita tak tahu ajal kita tiba bila, sekurang kurangnya kita ada bekalan..." I noticed that during Ramadhan or when I'm away from home, at school for example, performing qiyam is much easier, x rasa malas, disiplin itu ada dalam diri. Nak exam, solat sunat tu macam tabiat. But after exams have finished, when the long holidays come, the challenges are bigger, the devils would whisper lots of things that would make me feel lazy, and mudah terlalai. Sebab tu, aku harus persiapkan diri. Bisikan syaitan tu bukan seminggu sekali, tapi setiap hari.
- Kena paksa diri untuk memperbanyakkan amalan amalan sunat. Solat sunat, puasa sunat, zikir, banyakkan baca Quran, bukan waktu exam je Rai. Kalau Nabi Muhammad S.A.W boleh sibukkan diri dengan beribadah kepada Allah, sedangkan Baginda seorang yang maksum, dan sudah pasti keberadaan Baginda di Syurga sana disisi Allah SWT, aku yang belum pasti memenangi SyurgaNya boleh duduk malas dan membuang masa? Whatever it is, you are getting older day by day Raihana. No matter what, you have to push yourself always. Baba Mama dah ajar tentang Islam sejak kau lahir Rai. Masukkan ke sekolah agama. Paling kurang, kau kena jadi anak yang solihah, untuk faedah Mama Baba bila mereka dah tiada. Doa anak yang soleh, itulah bekalan buat Mama Baba.
- Sibukkan diri dengan perkara yang berfaedah, mendatangkan pahala. I could get easily absorbed when I get to watch movies or series at home. Ada laptop depan mata bukannya untuk menambahkan ilmu yang cetek didada, tapi sibuk layan cerita korea. Lalai dan leka tu selalu je kuasai diri ni. Raihana, tahun baru ni paling kurang setiap hari tu minimumkan masa tengok tv tu, kalau dulu selang seli tengok tv main laptop, tahun ni, tengok tv main laptop pagi, petang baca buku. You should push yourself Rai! You're not a kid anymore. No one will scold you that much like before. That's because you are big enough to differenciate between right and wrong.
2) Work hard to become a better ME
- Become a better daughter. Senangkan hati Mama Baba. Bila disuruh buat sesuatu, jangan lengah lengah. Sebanyak mana chores Mama bagi, jangan mengeluh. I should always bear in mind that saying the word 'umph' at my parents is already considered as a big sin. Enough of adding more to your sins Rai. Senangkan hati Mama Baba, with excellent results, by being a solihah daughter for them.
- Learn how to become a good cook. Hehe, alhamdulillah cuti panjang ni belajar masak la sket sket. Dapat la masak yang basics. But I still want to learn more, so that I could become an excellent cook when the 'time comes'. At least biarlah suami and anak anak nanti paling tak pun, bangga dengan masakan isteri and umminya. Lol
- Study smart, work hard! I'm entering IIUM insha Allah on Jan 28th. No more lazying around Rai, this stuff is serious. Insha Allah, try to be consistent with your GPA, at least 3.33 every semester. Probably it would be hard for you as you're taking 8 subjects next sem, unlike in foundation center. But if your friends out there who has already in a bigger campus could achieve as much as 3.9 CGPA, then you should struggle like them. Make my parents proud, that's it. Oh and whatever the success we strive, is for Islam. Wholly for Islam. So jadikanlah library tu nanti, rumah kedua k. Don't get easily fascinated with the pools :P
- Love life would be my marriage life. I want to fall in love after my marriage life. Jodoh tu di tangan Allah.Tapi belum masanya lagi. Mama bagi green light masa umur 23 tahun. Itupun kalau ada jodoh. Kepada bakal suami, sesiapaun anda, huhu bersiap sedialah, Baba and Mama ada set of questions to interview you =.=" Insha Allah, would like to use the time given, to prepare myself, in becoming an eligible bachelor- a wife.
- Become a much better sister. Kalau dulu mudah naik angin sebab adik2 suka sepahkan rumah or tak buat chores, insha Allah tahun ni jadi orang yang lebih bersabar sket. Biar marah tu pada tempatnya. Marah pada tempatnya bila ada manusia yang menghina Rasulullah SAW, bila ada golongan yang menolak Islam, bila ada golongan yang menentang Islam. Sebab tu Baba selalu pesan, bila kita marah and sedih, biar kerana Islam. Kalau selain daripada tu, hanya buang masa, buang tenaga, buang air mata. I should become more professional, and more 'high-class'. Kalau orang lain menangis sebab cinta, kenapa kita pun mesti begitu? Boleh untuk kita jadi remaja yang lain daripada yang lain. Remaja 'high-class' adalah remaja yang perwatakannya berbeza daripada remaja typical yang lain. I know some friends who doesn't go to movies or shopping for fun, but they seek usrah, and majlis ilmu for fun. They, really impress me. I'm not syaing that I don't watch movies (at home I mean) or go shopping (shopping is still my favourite), but I'm saying that we could minimalised all those. Besides, we shouldn't be spending on things that only give benefit to us. Seperti mereka yang boleh sacrifice masa dan tenaga serta wang ringgit untuk Islam, macam itulah kita patut jadi. Dalam kehidupan ni, kita kena pandai tapis. Ambil yang jernih, buang yang keruh. Yang baik jadikan tauladan, yang buruk jadikan sempadan. Yepp, that is remaja high-class. And you should be one, Rai. At least, you try.

- Improve my english. Yeah, I know that I repeatedly say 'bout improving my english, want to write better as my sister's, etc. But I am still yet to achieve the confidence in speaking in english. So anyway books that I want to read besides could improve my english would be John Grisham. Rayyan always babble saying that I should read his books if I'm to be a lawyer. I brought one, but eheh x habis baca lagi T_T I also would love to read The Hunger Games Trilogy by Susan Collins :D Rayyan dah bawak balik the whole set so I guess I could start reading the books by now. Buuut, of course selang seli dengan buku agama. Kalau ita boleh sparekan masa dengan membaca fictions, kenapa tidak boleh untuk buka agama yang mana ia lebih baik? Huhu. Soo, target habiskan buku hunger games trilogy and buku2 agama yang tertera diatas insha Allah before February 2013 ^^" Not to mention I'm yet to 'publish' my own fiction, The Last Time. For my faithful readers, insha Allah The Last Time would be 'published' here at my 'le humble blog' within December. Sorry guys, serious kena ada mood bila nak menulis. Huhu
I think that's for now. If I think of more azam to add, I'm sure will continue my entry. Before I end, I would like to share this important text message that I received from a dear friend of mine, Puteri.
"Salam dear brothers and sisters. Last night our beloved Gaza was again attacked by the zionists laknatullah. Ketua tentera Hamas, Ahmed Jabari has syahid and Gaza is now declaring an open war. The sea is filled with warships and the skies are filled with jets. On this new year's day, let us make a duas not only for a better year, but also for our brotehrs and sisters in Palestine, who sacrifice their life, everyday to protect our holy land. To the solidatory of ummah. ALLAHUAKBAR!"
-Puteri, 10.52 am, 15 Nov 2012

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