Friday, January 29, 2010

Pah and The Christmas Carol Story

We just got our english paper 1 marks today, and alhamdulillah mine was quite satisfying. Ms Parvathy was a bit annoyed and pissed with us 5 Othmanians today because we didn't managed to captivate her throughly with the essays,but she still managed to be in humerous tone at time to time during the period. But as she chided us, the visitors from the Thailand (they were teachers came to smakl for a nice look out. All of the students were forced to clean the whole school before their arrival) were about to come up stairs and she managed to cover us all up actually and we laugh together just to make it sound we're having a dramatically fun lesson (and seriously it did). So back to the point that I'm not actually going to talk about ways to answer directed essay effectively but the dominant here is about my friend Pah who managed to captivate Ms. Parvathy's heart by her essay. Seriously, gempak gila. She did about Time in Part B and some of our classmates who did that mostly were just simply telling or writing about time management and so on, but Pah's story, or Sharifah Nur Amirah's story was a bit different , not because of that she managed to write in full three pages of essays but the words and emotions that she blended in her writing was so captivated, we were actually in awe when Dollah (our President of Prefect) read it infront of the class.She wrote about a girl named Clara and how she always loses her job, breaking up with her partner and be in many difficulies just because of her carelesness of taking care of her time. And then came another girl with a glittered face came next to her and brought her to two other different stages in her life; the future and the past.

So, u can actually pictured that right? If i can, I can always show you the essay but unfortunately Ms. Parvathy had keep it for future uses... like to publish in a magazine! I know, envious gilaa dgn you Pah, haha (; Oh well, the idea of that story was creative because she was inspired by the old times favourite; The Christmas Carol. And i guess, if i want to get my essay to be in a magazine, i should spend some time to read books or novels. Oh God I've missed them already! The last book that i read was Cecilia Ahern's Where the Rainbow Ends. That story was one of the best book that i've read. And yepp, i'm promoting here, ehe.

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