Saturday, October 15, 2011

Let's Say This Together : "Eeeeewwwww. SAY WHATTT?!"

Bismillah peace to all of you :D

Okay so I read this article in Reader's Digest August 2011, and it's about hygiene which is a crucial facet that must be focussed on since there are many issues involving cleanliness in our country as we can see rubbish strewn practically everywhere near the dustbins in public areas, dirty picnik places, some public parks are just not meant for leisure anymore. Anyway, before I babble about this article I read - fyi, this touches nothing about rubbish and the environment but actually about toilet bowls (interesting aite? HEHEH) - I would like to apologize to my friends who commented on my previous posts, espcially, Eunsook, Nailah, Tawfiq, Shekkey, Kamkam, sorry guys, there's a problem with my google acc I can't really reply all of your wonderful comments. Yet. So yeah, sooorry ^_____^""

So in this article, pg 23, tittled, What's Down Your Loo? - which I find a bit disturbing because it goes without saying that poopies are meant to be down our loo- this article clarify very well in telling readers that we should be aware that not just our poopies under there but also lots and lots of harmful bacterias and germs. Ok, keep reading. It stated that " A survey from sanitation charity in UK Toilet Twinning reveals that only one in five people clean their toilets every day, as recommended (Let's Say This Together : "Eeeeewwwww. SAY WHATTT?!") That's scary given that your toilet bowl could be home to 3.2 MILLION BACTERIA PER SQUARE INCH!  (Let's Say This Together : "Eeeeewwwww. SAY WHATTT?!")
Below, we lift the lid on some of unsavoury guests lurking in and around your lavatory. Oh, and make sure you CLOSE THE LID WHEN FLUSHING - (Why?!?!?!) - germs can SPRAY UP TO 1.8 M, LIGHTLY MISTING YOUR TOOTHBRUSH. Yum!" (Let's Say This Together : "Eeeeewwwww. SAY WHATTT?!")
Noooooooooooooooooooooo ! T___________________T-----

Ze Germs:

> Shigella a prime suspect for severe diarrhoea, even dysentery

> Staphylococcus the little nasty behind MRSA

> Salmonella food poisoning anyone?

> E. Coli at best, a tummy upset; at worst, kidney failure or more

> Streptococcus throat infections, impetigo, and even meningitis

> Hepatitis A that's right: sickness, diarrhoea and jaundice

Wa nauzhubillah : (

Well just wanna share this because I presume that maybe not all of us are well aware of this shocking infos. Yeah, Let's Say This Together : "Eeeeewwwww. SAY WHATTT?!"

Toodles ~

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